Zapier integration
Connect your websites, apps – automate workflows
Integrate your frequently used tools to enhance productivity through task automation. Synchronize customer journeys with over 4,000 other available apps.
A web service to speed up your work
Boost your workflow! Zapier is a user-friendly platform that enables you to automate actions across various web applications you use regularly.
Zapier integration
Connect your web applications in a few simple clicks, enabling them to seamlessly exchange data. Build sophisticated cloud-based automations with the help of Zapier and MonCRM.
Zapier automation
Automated information flows between your apps. MonCRM optimizes Zapier with code to further automate your processes in the cloud.
Zapier simplicity
Optimise your cloud processes with Zapier, no coding required. MonCRM, the leading Zapier expert in France, can assist you even in intricate scenarios.
What is a Zap?
A Zap is an automated workflow that tells your applications to follow this simple command: “When it happens, do it.
Each Zap has a trigger and one or more actions. A trigger is an event that starts a Zap, and an action is what your Zap does for you. When a Zap runs, each action it performs counts as a task.

Automation with Zapier: the benefits
Zapier lets you integrate and connect a wide variety of applications such as Outlook, Slack and over 3,000 others.
Zapier helps you transform your business into a digital one, eliminating manual work by automating repetitive tasks
Easy to use
Zapier is designed to be used by non-technical users, making the creation of zaps relatively straightforward
Zapier enables you to react automatically and quickly to your customers' interactions and enhance their experience.
Customer support
Zapier assists and informs you in the event of errors, and helps you ensure that errors are effectively identified and corrected.
Zapier lets you create zaps to automate tasks for both small businesses & larger enterprises
How can Zapier automate your business?
Our consultants will be happy to answer your questions and are ready to assist you every step of the way with Zapier. Book an appointment now!